This page will show about remote sensing course in Master of Information Technology SEAMEO-BIOTROP Bogor Agriculture University.  It's main about the report of assignment.  During September 1999 until May 2000, have been done 6 assignment to be divided two section;  about the introduction of Remote Sensing and Advance Digital Image Processing.  Each of title of the assignment will be shown in abstract and some picture for example.  Otherwise, in this page also show the individual project.  The topic of the individual project is "Cloud Density - Remote Sensing Applied for Cloud Analyzing".  It is dedicated for Natural Science, especially Meteorology.


Assignment of Introduction of Remote Sensing :

    1.  Image Quality Checking and Geometric Correction

    2.  Image enhancement, histogram manipulation, land-cover interpretation and plotting

    3.  Image Classification (Unsupervised  and Supervised classification)

    4.  Digital Elevation Model's and some Three-dimensional Display Capabilities of ER Mapper Software  


Assignment of Advance Digital Image Processing :

    1.  HIS color space, principle component analysis and arithmetic modeling operations

    2.  Understanding NOAA Satellite Data

    3.  Air Photo Interpretation and Photogrammetry, Image Mosaicking, Digital Orthophoto 


Individual Project :

   "Cloud Density - Remote Sensing Applied for Cloud Analyzing"