The atmosphere is club or organization which have the member to be interest with meteorology and other applications.  We are also interest relations subject with meteorology such as instruments, remote sensing and geography information system, agriculture, forestry, fisheries, computer science and other. We have stronger background in instruments meteorology and agro meteorology.  Generally, this organization is non profit organization, but we work for research and developing new paradigm about meteorology and our strength is agro meteorology, instruments meteorology and developed software for applications meteorology.

        The Atmosphere found on August 18, 1998.  It to be founding by alumnae of Department of Agrometeorology - Bogor Agriculture University.  The initialization is Agrometeorology Student Society (HIMAGRETO - Himpunan Mahasiswa Agrometeorology).  On 1996, HIMAGRETO had two main activities; Meteorology Instrumentation Club and The Atmosphere Newspaper.  Then, after one by one the personal have been finishing study, those activities become stagnant.  On 1998, some personal had been meet and we want to make the activities to continued our activities, then we get the decision to found the organization and we called ATMOSPHERE.  The founding organization are the alumnae which work in some company and government office.  They are :

      1.  Idung Risdiyanto  (IPB '92)

             Staff of Dept. Agrometeorology - Bogor Agriculture University, Bogor

        2.  Iwan Setiawan (IPB '92)

             Staff of Biology Tropica (BIOTROP), Bogor

        3.  Mujiyanto (IPB '93)

             Staff of PT. Agrisoft (Agriculture Software), Bogor

        4.  Harry Imantho (IPB '93)

             Staff of PT. Meteor Scientific Instruments, Bogor

        5.  Adi Witono (IPB '93)

             Staff of Assessment Institut Agriculture Technology (BPTP), kendari

        6.  M. Taufik Saleh (IPB '93)

             Staff of PT. Meteor Scientific Instruments, Bogor

        7.  M. Rokhis Komaruddin (IPB '93)

             Staff of National Aerospace (LAPAN), Jakarta

        8.  Dwi Pamiluto (IPB '93)

             Staff of PT. Sis Indosat, Jakarta